
Bring OKRs to life to drive better performance in hybrid teams

Transform OKRs from a static performance management method into a motivating performance enablement tool with this new function from OpenBlend.

Back when everyone worked together in the office, there was a lot to love about Objectives & Key Results (OKRs). They brought teams together under a shared goal. They provided clear metrics. They gave accountability. They helped to show the bigger picture and illustrate how each individual contributed to the whole business’ success.  

Then remote working hit, and OKRs became even more essential. They were an excellent way to keep track of individual and team goals while we scattered to the winds, working from whatever desk we found ourselves in front of at the start of the pandemic.  

Now we’re all trying to find our feet as we manage the shift to hybrid working, and OKRs have become more useful than ever. They’re part of the connective tissue that holds our teams together, enabling us to work towards shared goals even though we might not share an office space every day.  

Yet a lot of organisations are barely scratching the surface of what OKRs can really do. Hidden away in spreadsheets, checked intermittently, isolated to specific teams or business functions: OKRs are, all too often, a static management resource, as opposed to a constantly evolving method of enabling our employees on a day to day basis. 

OpenBlend have set out to change that. We can now support OKRs on the OpenBlend platform, and it’s transforming a useful performance management method into an essential performance enablement tool.  

Here’s how.  

Bring OKRs to life  

OpenBlend transforms the way people interact with OKRs. When adding OKRs to OpenBlend, you need to create key results. These metrics are then fed in to relevant teams every day, allowing them to see their progress in almost real time. It’s a motivating, visual way to track results, and illustrates the impact that every action can have on your objectives as you work towards your goals. The more visual and interactive the OKRs, the more people will stay engaged with them and keep pushing to achieve their goals. 

Increase trust  

With clear OKRs, there’s no need to micromanage: each OKR carries its own weight, with measurable goals providing a framework to define success and track its progress. Managers are able to get on with what they do best: supporting their teams to unlock their potential, rather than micromanaging individual tasks.  

Connect hybrid teams  

With most businesses now operating some kind of hybrid workforce, it’s essential that teams stay on track with shared objectives. OpenBlend provides a platform to connect teams under a shared goal, each contributing their own actions and accessing their shared metrics to keep track of successes and areas that need improvement, whether they’re in the office or at their home desk.  

Enable better performance  

Traditional OKRs track performance, but they don’t get to the root cause of what drives it (or detracts from it). With the OpenBlend platform, managers can become coaches, facilitating the right conversations, at the right time, to identify the challenges, obstacles and drivers behind every employee. By understanding each individual’s motivations, managers can unlock better performance – and help them to achieve their OKRs.  

Call us on 01628 613 040 or book a free demo today, and we’ll talk you through how to use OKRs on the OpenBlend platform for better performance management and emblement across your teams.

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