
Blend Insights: Company Culture

Tash Halligan, Sales Executive at OpenBlend, explains why company culture is a key part of her blend in the current remote working climate.

What drives you to do your best at work? At OpenBlend, we think that work/life balance is an outdated idea. It really takes a blend of elements from our professional and personal lives for us to feel fulfilled.

Today, as many of us adjust to working remotely, our personal performance objectives may change, or they might become clearer than ever. Either way, understanding what motivates us – and addressing how we can prioritise those things – is vital for us to thrive from home.

A good starting point is to discover your own personal blend. What elements do you need at home and at work to feel fulfilled, happy and productive – and how far off are you from achieving them? Use our blend insight tool to find your perfect blend.

Here, Tash Halligan, Sales Executive at OpenBlend, explains why company culture is a key part of her blend: 

Tash Halligan

Blend element: Company culture 

Why is a company culture  important to you?

“For me it’s really important to feel like I’m part of a team working towards the same goal, pulling each other along and having fun along the way. Everyone should always look out for and support each other.”

What impact does this have on your work and personal life?

“Feeling fulfilled and happy when I’m at work, leads to feeling fulfilled and happy in my personal life too.”

Has this blend element changed for you since you started working remotely?

“Although I had this element in my Blend before, it’s become even more central for me in the current climate. It’s been so important for us all to connect, and we do this several times a week. We still have cups of coffee and drinks together over Zoom, and just generally call different people for a quick catch up. Knowing that everyone has each other’s’ backs makes the situation easier to handle.”

How does this blend element tie into working from home?

“Without being present together, I think culture would be one of the first things to disappear if it wasn’t given attention. People still need to feel informed and involved and should connect with others as much as possible. I’m so happy that OpenBlend has worked hard to maintain and even grow our fantastic culture through the current situation.”

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